World Day for Safety & Health at Work
We are “One Unibake” - a worldwide family of influential bakers. As a global bakery with ambition to grow further, we rely as much on our people as flour and water. Because although this is a business, we are people at heart. That’s why we focus so much on the Safety and Health of our people in the workplace. It's important to take the opportunity to acknowledge all the work done across our business and the focus we have on Safety & Health of our employees.
Safety and Health at the Workplace
As a responsible employer we have a moral and a legal obligation to ensure healthy and safe working conditions for all our people. We want to be an attractive employer and we know that a safe and healthy workplace supports attraction, engagement, as well as productivity. Our customers and partners also expect us to demonstrate best practices and ensure a consistently high standard across our global operations that safeguards our workers and the communities they work in.
Our health and safety strategy aims to inspire and empower our people to choose healthier futures, while providing a safe and healthy working environment that protects them from occupational injuries and physical as well as mental illnesses.
We aim to achieve world-class health and safety performance; to prevent accidents, injuries, and work-related illnesses and to build a proactive health & safety mindset based on leadership, processes, and people throughout the organization.
"At Lantmännen, Health & Safety is at the core of what we do. All employees should trust that their work environment is safe. The management always have the main responsibility, however if we want to reach our ambitious goals, we all need to focus on this. By integrating Health & Safety in both our culture, our long-term strategy and in our day to day work, we’ll ensure that we all can be safe at work".
- Magnus Kagevik, Group CEO and President.
Safe Workplace
Being able to return home safely every day is a basic right for everyone. Our safety program “Think safe, feel safe, act safe” is based on seven basic safety rules, a number of safety tools e.g. observation rounds and root cause analysis, soft skills training and a health and safety cultural self-assessment based on a standardized assessment model that focuses on achieving health and safety excellence by working to optimize the balance between leadership, organization and processes.
We organize safety days and training sessions on specific safety topics and expected safe behavior regularly to ensure our employees are working safely and feel safe while doing so. The prime focus is to train and encourage all our people to think about safety before they act.
Sickness Management
Our sickness management principles focus on systematic follow-up through structured dialogue meetings, clear roles & responsibilities, early intervention, and safe early returns to work after sickness. All absence has an impact and can in some cases be a signal of an underlying health issue or another problem. Based on an early intervention approach we have built processes that focus on effective planning for a safe and respectful early return and minimize the risk of further absence.
Physical Health
Our sickness management principles focus on systematic follow-up through structured dialogue meetings, clear roles & responsibilities, early intervention, and safe early returns to work after sickness. All absence has an impact and can in some cases be a signal of an underlying health issue or another problem. Based on an early intervention approach we have built processes that focus on effective planning for a safe and respectful early return and minimize the risk of further absence.
Mental Well-Being
How to work with your mind to obtain more contentment and happiness in work and in life. Via insights into how the brain works and linking to Unibake Leadership tools and core values, mental strength will increase. Our mental health affects how we think, feel and act and determines how we handle stress. Mental health includes our emotional, psychological, and social well-being – and is equally as important as our physical health. When our general health is in balance, we can cope with the stresses of life, learn well and work well.
We believe we can obtain a higher degree of happiness and satisfaction in life if we better understand how our brain and body works. As an employer we have a huge responsibility for supporting our people’s mental well-being and preventing stress.
Unibake Encourages Safety & Health at Work
At Lantmännen Unibake, Health and Safety are integral parts of our company culture, and they play a key role in driving our development. As a responsible employer it is crucial that we prioritize all aspects of physical and mental wellbeing in the workplace - no matter the setting. We all know, that mental wellbeing is critical to our overall health and happiness.
In an ideal work environment, people should feel safe and empowered to collaborate and achieve their best results as a team. When it comes to operating a wholesale bakery, the majority of our employees work in an industrial environment. They do it every day. And it is a demanding job. From being constantly on your feet, over managing large batches of dough to ensuring every product and packaging is perfect, their work can be both physically and mentally exhausting. Hence, through the Health dimension in our Health and Safety Strategy, we want to enable and encourage all employees to act on their health by engaging in physical activities to ensure physical and mental well-being.
We understand that to build a workplace where "Nobody is Safe Until All Are Safe," we need to think and act as a team, every day and everywhere. To make sure that I – You – We, Healthy & Safe – Every day becomes reality we all need to take responsibility. Our employees' health and well-being at Lantmännen are 100% related to their health and well-being in their private lives. That is why we are actively sharing relevant information as well as activities for how to stay healthy every day to our employees.
We're proud of our team and our shared commitment to creating a safe and empowering work environment, and we're excited to continue working together towards a brighter future. With our mission of “Growing Sustainably”, people are at the forefront of our three-point strategy - Baking for a Better World.